Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Life of Style: Hair Care Boot Camp - Healthy Hair Care

Alright Chicas, let's get down to some hair business. In my first HCBC post, I blogged about my friend who has major hair trauma due to home styling and letting any and everybody do her hair. I'm not confident enough in my home styling skills to apply my own relaxer, in a pinch I'll wash and blow dry my hair but those pinches are few and far between. My hair care is very dependent on my diet, home maintenance, and my stylist.

Vitamins + Water = Healthy Hair:
I don't have the best diet and I take a LOT of vitamins to compensate for what I lack in healthy meals. I also guzzle a ton of water everyday. One of my goals is having healthier eating habits so I take a piece of fruit or yogurt with me for a snack as opposed to buying chips or cookies. For the past five months I have taken the GNC Women's Hair, Skin, and Nails Program. There are four pills in the program and if that's not enough, I take eight other vitamins. Yep, I take a total of twelve vitamins a day. Here's the list:

*GNC Women's Hair, Skin, & Nails Program:
*Nature's Made Super B Complex
*CVS Pharmacy Biotin 1000mcg
*Nature's Bounty Evening Primrose Oil 1000mg
*CVS Pharmacy Vitamin C 250mg
*Nature's Made Flaxseed Oil 1000mg
*CVS Pharmacy Natural Calcium, Magnesium, & Zinc
*CVS Pharmacy MSM 1000mg
*Women's One A Day Multivitamin

Home Maintenance:
Use heat styling tools as little as possible. If you have to use heat be sure to protect your hair and use the lowest possible heat setting. The best heat protecting sprays in my opinion are, Tresemme Heat Tamer, Nexxus Heat Protexx, and Ellin LaVar Thermmist Spray. Since I have decreased heat styling, I roll my hair with satin foam rollers. If I'm tired and decide to skip the rollers, I pin my hair up or wear a headband, heat styling is always the last option. I see my stylist every week for a shampoo and wrap.

The Stylist:
A good hair stylist can make all the difference in your hair care routine. I get my hair relaxed so I need to take extra care of it. My stylist, Wille Malone is pretty amazing. I've been going to Willie for three and a half years. We have a good relationship because he believes in healthy hair, he asks his clients what their hair goals are, and works to make the goal a reality. Willie is also open to suggestions and new products. I often take a styling product along for him to use on my hair. He tells me what ingredients to look for in products and what to stay away from.
So that's an overview of my hair care. I'll do an in depth hair care routine post, complete with my favorite products in another post.
I'd love to hear from you. What's your hair care routine? What are your hair concerns?

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